Last-minute strategic tips for 2021

This odd year is ending, and you must decide on how next year will look. It is common knowledge, by now, that long term planning is not working, and many articles claim that strategic planning as we know it is doomed and must be changed. With a vaccine on its way and new-normal standards adopting and adapting known processes, it is likely to imagine a better year next year. Now, more than ever, planning b e comes essential, despite what I mentioned earlier. Why? Because some, if not many, of us have a limited budget for next year’s operations. Budget allocation becomes a challenging task, and we do not want to get it wrong. I have been a manager for many years, so believe me when I say I can sympathize with you on that. But, as a manager, I never stopped considering the Three “soft” crucial elements an organization needs to survive and thrive: Nurture and develop our human resources. It is crucial when our business relies on people’s performance. Develop a 360-degree view of our ...