
Why is it that when we say (in Hebrew translation) "business intelligence", we hurt our professional image?

  1.    The Hebrew language is a wonderful language, that's true, but we sometimes tend to use language to include things. 2.    The problem begins with the generalizations of terms that also have meaning outside of Israel, and especially terms whose origin is not Hebrew and therefore they have been translated. The importance of translating a professional term, in English for example, into Hebrew is critical. Often, the first translation of a particular term, especially when published on platforms with high exposure, is the translation that takes root over time, even if it is misleading. 3.    My profession relates to Corporate Intelligence in an organization (commercial or social). every time I come across the term "business intelligence" I fully understand the professional meaning of the term. But, once you continue reading or talking with those who use this term in Hebrew, in most cases the use is wrong and misleading. Fortunately, we do ...

Comparative Market Research - Renewable Energy - Comparing Seven countries - Current state and future challenges

  Executive Summary 1.     The IPCC - International Panel on Climate Change, recently released its timely report on climate change and global warming, a bleak snapshot of the current situation and a gloomy outlook for the foreseeable future, including a reference to the Middle East region and possible implications for our future and our children's future. [1] The impairment of the sun's ability to return sun's rays back into space is primarily attributed to emissions of gases that damage the texture of the atmosphere. 2.     The first report of "Intelligence Club" hereby presents market research that comprehensively reviews the existing and future state of the renewable energy market in several European countries (Portugal, Germany, Iceland, Austria, Norway), a major African country (Sudan), and an important sultanate in the Middle East (Oman). 3.     Alongside the reflection of the current state in each country, the countr...