
Showing posts from September, 2020

fincen-files-financial-scandal-criminal-networks - comments

 Although FIN-INTELL is not my leading interest, this article made me astonished with my mouth open, left me glazing at the screen for some additional seconds after finishing reading.   It is clear that despite all efforts to stop or reduce the scale of smoking in our society, the addiction to nicotine overcomes. So is in the case of the Banking ecosystem, where the addiction for money trafficking overcomes any ethical, judicial, or moral considerations. The fact that Governments collaborate with Banks to preserve the country's economy and money fluidity at all costs are disgusting, but at the same time, it is understandable. From the intelligence perspective, one might argue that despite the boldness of Banks and criminal actors, as long as there is a regulates arena where the government can monitor and, occasionally, decide on persecuting one of the criminal actors it may be better than a situation when all the bad-money runs through hidden channels, away from the offic...

Webintelligency - Strategy and Design

  The most important issue  for top managers in the organization is to fulfill the vision stated by the CEO and meet the objectives and goals decided upon by the leaders. In our modern competitive markets, it is impossible to do so without embedding Intelligence processes and Intelligence Thinking Patterns in the daily work of all employees.    Our vast experience  in Intelligence work and forming teams and units to deliver Intelligence and information, as well as improving efficiency and competitivity, allows us to offer an expert mentoring and consultant to your organization.   We know how to guide you  through deciding on the Intelligence Strategy best suited for you. How many sources should you allocate to the four major elements of Intelligence, to build your Intelligence Core: ​ Competitive Intelligence (CI) Market Intelligence (MI) Business Intelligence (BI) Knowledge Management (KM)   You can read more about that at: https://www....

Webintelligency - Intelligence Training Design

  Training - fostering your human capital We believe that Intelligence in an organization does not belong only to high management or CI/MI/BI/KM team. It is a way of life and thinking every employee should have. Our long experience in developing and applying courses, lectures, workshops, and private 1:1 lessons, helps us deliver a highly comprehensive and accurate training by your own pre-defined needs.   Intelligence training aims to strengthen your organization's resilience and competitive edge, upon competitors and market trends.   We believe that in addition to our generic seminars and courses, you are an expert in understanding your needs. Our main goal is to develop a custom-made course, especially for your organization.   Intelligence Education is the framework for all the above. It can be a one-day seminar, a 3-hour lecture, or a one-week course. All focused on the same issue with a different depth and practice.   A course might focus on using intelligen...

Webintelligency - Products

  You need much and relevant information to succeed   We can offer you a comprehensive Intelligence Report that would best match your preliminary questions. Our reports let you fill-up the gaps with the necessary information. Moreover, we always suggest actions be taken based on the insights derived from the gathering results. ​ Types of our reports   Person to Net (P2N)  - our basic Webint based gathering process. After you define your 3 main questions, we gather as much information as we can from the Internet and other public sources. Delivery of basic report is expected in a week. ​ Person to Person (P2P)  - contains an additional effort to gather information, not just based on Webint rather, involves getting in touch with people related to the subject of the project. Delivery of basic report is expected in 2 weeks. ​ Person to Others (P2O)  - the most comprehensive and expensive report. Based on our P2N and P2P process in addition to gathering informati...

New format in the labor market

The labor market is changing, so do we. We must change and embrace the new situation to maintain a long-run continuity for our business.  Working from home made it not so obvious to decide on hiring people to work for us. Why is that? It is common knowledge that productivity is going down-hill as time goes by, and the crisis doesn't end. Costs of labor maintain high, and although some companies adjusted, many others still pay as usual for labor even if employees work from home. Do I have a solution? Yes! Start thinking of engaging with freelancers! They are eager to work They adjusted to the 'remote work' framework They cost less for the same performance (and maybe more) Sure, it is a revolution and a big change, but it is our way to stay in the market, reduce risk, and hope to make it through these troubled times.

Three important Intelligence Thinking Patterns to deal with Occurrence and Probability

  “What has been, is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun” ( Ecclesiastes 1:9) This citation from the Bible may have more than one interpretation. If asking a religious scholar or a Kabala expert, we can expect a comprehensive and long lecture about the time-line of history, the upper and lower worlds, etc. But, I prefer the simple explanation saying that everything that has the potential to happen in the world, either had happened before or might happen in the future. For me, as a human being, in my lifetime, all of this might occur depending on its probability. I argue that this insight is one of the most significant thinking patterns we, as intelligence thinkers, must adopt. I would like to elaborate on the two key-factors of this insight and then to suggest a thinking pattern paradigm. The range of possible occurrences  — The things that have the potential to occur, distributed in a certain logic. Whether it is a...

Design your Intelligence Exit Strategy from the COVID-19 crisis

  The Corona crisis is harsh and damaging, but the exit is near. In terms of businesses, ‘In two months’ is like tomorrow, because this quarter is a sunk-cost whatever we do. What do I mean by saying  Design  when I refer to Intelligence Exit Strategy? A strategy is not something you pull out of your sleeves nor a quick process of decision making. It is a very demanding and quite long process of combining the perceived reality with the CEO’s vision along with the interpretation of operational insights derived from the Intelligence process in the organization. A strategy must include the Intelligence element. The Intelligence exit strategy is different from the financial exit strategy or the production exit strategy, etc. It means that the Intelligence process in the organization has to be revised. The first step  of the design is to ask the hard questions about our Intelligence process before the crisis. Were we ready? Did we get any preliminary indications of a cris...