New format in the labor market
The labor market is changing, so do we. We must change and embrace the new situation to maintain a long-run continuity for our business.
Working from home made it not so obvious to decide on hiring people to work for us. Why is that?
- It is common knowledge that productivity is going down-hill as time goes by, and the crisis doesn't end.
- Costs of labor maintain high, and although some companies adjusted, many others still pay as usual for labor even if employees work from home.
Do I have a solution? Yes!
Start thinking of engaging with freelancers!
- They are eager to work
- They adjusted to the 'remote work' framework
- They cost less for the same performance (and maybe more)
Sure, it is a revolution and a big change, but it is our way to stay in the market, reduce risk, and hope to make it through these troubled times.
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