Sure of your role in the L&D ecosystem?

We've finished designing the state of the art learning event. We need to address the execution of the design. Sure, if we were the designer and the executor, it would be better. But, most of the time, we find that the execution is the role of a trainer, or rather an instructor, or maybe a facilitator?? Is there a difference between them, and what type is best for our design? Inspired by the online chat on the FB group @Training Designers Club, I've decided to write this informative article to help training designers match their designs to the right training executor. Basic concepts regarding officials in the world of training: Training designer Professional L&D practitioner. Their job is to build the learning event from A to Z while understanding the organization's needs, the appropriate and most fit event time-frame for the organization, and also an understanding of budget constraints and technology. Also, understanding the main messages to be conveyed in instruction...